Wilson Chronology of Asia & Pacific
This complete and in-depth chronology of the Asia and the Pacific region covers history from antiquity to the present. It does so with special emphasis on the key developments in human history that occurred in the region. This work features events in politics, government, law; war, religion, education, scholarship, philosophy; travel and exploration, economic life, arts and entertainment, literature and journalism, society and everyday life, and science, technology, and medicine.

Wilson Chronology of Human Rights
The notion that all people have certain rights, simply by virtue of being human, is a defining issue at the center of human history, and the struggle to define and achieve these rights remains an important issue today. This book traces the history of that struggle, from 3,000 B.C. (the first evidence of slavery in southern Mesopotamia) to 2002, when the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of drug testing of student athletes.

A record of philosophical, political, theological, and social thought from ancient times to the present. This fascinating volume cites important developments in: Anthropology, Criticism, Economics, Education, History and Biographies; Journalism, Linguistics and Languages; Philosophy, Political and Science; Psychology and Parapsychology, Religion and Mythology, and Sociology and Social Criticism

A record of human creativity from ancient times to the present. From prehistoric rock engravings to Steven Spielberg's moving film Schindler's List, from Shakespeare's love sonnets to Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, this superlative reference reflects the entire spectrum of human creativity and artistic endeavor from earliest times. Includes advances in: Architecture, Dance, Decorative Arts, Drama, Film, Graphic Arts, Literature, Painting and Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Television and Radio.

Wilson Chronology of the World's Religions
Complete coverage of a broad range of religions makes this a great addition for both researchers and general readers. This is a thorough record of the major events in the development and spread of religions around the world — a guide to leaders, beliefs, influences over time, and much more. The Chronology begins with religion in prehistoric times—back to 100,000 B.C.E.—and ends in 2000. The entries in the chronology cover seven major themes in the prehistory and history of religion.

Wilson Chronology of Women's Achievements
This chronology is a record of women's history from ancient times to the present. This title cites thousands of events and issues in women’s experience in these important areas: Politics, Law and War; Religion, Education and Everyday Life; Science, Technology and Medicine; and Arts and Literature.