World Authors 2000-2005
Hardcover |
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An all-new collection of biographies in the widely praised World Authors series, World Authors 2000-2005 covers some 300 novelists, poets, dramatists, essayists, scientists, biographers, and other authors whose books—published 2000 through 2005—represent the dawn of a new millennium of great literature.
Well-researched, in-depth accounts (averaging 3,000 words), explore writers’ backgrounds, formative experiences, and literary achievements.
- Many autobiographical accounts, written specifically for this volume.
- Profiles also highlight critical response to authors’ works.
- Entries include suggested reading lists and bibliographies.
- Photo of the author accompanies many of the entries.
World Authors contains reliable biographical data, plus candid anecdotes, opinions, and insights:
Gregory Orr’s disclosure that “Probably the pivotal event in my life happened when I was 12 and was responsible for the death of a younger brother, Peter, in a hunting accident”; Martha McPhee’s explanation that her novels “rose from the beautiful wreckage of my childhood”; James D. Houston’s account that "the very desire to be a writer was seeded in those long ago Sunday morning [church] services where language itself was the primary means for connection with a higher power."